Supremetronic Redux

James Knott james.knott-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Mon Sep 3 14:44:03 UTC 2012

Christopher Browne wrote:
> On the other hand, the only way to have a basement full of
> spectacularly discounted books is for that basement of spectacularly
> discounted books to be considered effectively commercially worthless,
> which bodes ill for the continued production of such books.
There have always been clearance books stores.  Many books have a 
limited shelf life.  ;-)
The clearance books either didn't move well in the first place or are 
older editions that have been superseded by newer editions. Regardless, 
they were still usually a good source of (possibly dated) info.

> And the "tech book" section at the average bookstore has indeed become
> a pale shadow of what it was 15 years ago.

Yeah, that seemed to happen shortly after Heather Reisman bought out 
Chapters/Coles/World's Biggest Bookstore.  She even stated that her goal 
was to change them into gift shops.  She certainly has done an excellent 
job of dumbing down those stores.  Years ago, I often bought my Ryerson 
texts from WBB.  You'd think that with all the stores she has, she could 
have at least left WBB as a decent book store, given it's central 
location, close to business, UoT, Ryerson, the hospitals etc.

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