Views from an Red Hat -> Ubuntu -> Fedora migrator

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at
Mon Oct 22 19:48:23 UTC 2012

| From: Lennart Sorensen <lsorense-1wCw9BSqJbv44Nm34jS7GywD8/FfD2ys at>

| That was one of the problem with redhat 7.x

Thanks for the pointer.  I was conflating two different things 2.96
and EGCC (which mostly became 2.95, I think).  But I don't think that
they were unrelated events.

| They were too impatient to wait for 3.0 to be done.  It was far from
| stalled at the time.
| But the decision makers at redhat just had to have the new gcc 3.0
| features that weren't quite ready yet.  Never mind what the gcc developers
| think.

So object code from g++ 2.96 could not be used on a system with a
different compiler.  Big deal.

Red Hat did support 2.96.  Since they supplied a lot of the manpower for 
GCC, glibc, etc., this hardly seems to be a stretch.

| If the gcc developers say "Don't do that", then that is NOT pushing
| development.  It is rather hindering it.  You are wasting their time
| with issues they don't want to deal with.  gcc 3.0 was getting close
| to done.

That doesn't seem to be the case.  Non-RH GCC developers' time wasn't 
wasted if they paid no attention to 2.96 users' bug reports (as I infer 
from the page you posted).

I admit that this is old news.
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