Intel video

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at
Wed Nov 21 16:43:32 UTC 2012

| From: Michael Hill <mdhillca-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at>

| My understanding is OSTree is similar to jhbuild in that it uses the
| kernel and X setup of the host system, but runs the latest "system"
| (in this case GNOME) by mounting a different root directory where the
| latest binaries have been installed. Colin Walters, the developer,
| suspects an issue with llvmpipe mesa, and admits, "To be honest I only
| boot natively on Intel hardware right now."

I don't know anything about OSTree or jhbuild beyond what you say in
your messages.  So you are probably way ahead of me on this.

It sounds as if OSTree depends on userland to start up but then
switches the system to an arbitrarily different userland.  That sounds
pretty tricky.  Kind of like a cartoon character that is sawing off
the tree branch he is standing on.
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