Hosted E-mail services suggestions

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at
Thu Nov 15 19:22:29 UTC 2012

| From: Sadiq Saif <sadiq-KzRxrKfdH+/c+919tysfdA at>

| Mostly a privacy issue. I believe the saying goes as such - "if you
| are not paying for it, you are the product."
| Though, it is true that paying someone is no guarantee of privacy.

Who knows what the Canadian governments' agencies do with email.  But
in the US, the Petraeus Affair shows how bad it is there.  No warrant,
no probable cause, no nothing.  They even read unsent gmail. 

I've run my own mail server, in my home, for 30 years.  It isn't
optimal.  But neither are the other choices.

If I really cared about privacy, I'd use PGP.  But that is even more

(The same apparently-overreaching FBI agent used a questionable hunch to 
catch y2k bomber Ahmed Ressam so I have to admit that not all dubious 
techniques have bad outcomes 
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