Seneca College and the Raspberry Pi.

Colin McGregor colin.mc151-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Tue Feb 21 16:43:23 UTC 2012

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 11:01 AM, Anthony de Boer <adb-SACILpcuo74 at> wrote:
> Colin McGregor wrote:
>> I trust most of the folks here have been following the story of the
>> Raspberry Pi, a $35 (or $25 depending on model) Linux running computer
>> designed in the UK. ...
> Apropos that, you'd at one point mentioned the possibility of a group
> buy, to save on shipping costs from the UK.  Was that still happening,
> or should I put ordering one directly somewhere down my todo list?

Scott Sullivan <scott-lxSQFCZeNF4 at> has on more than one occasion noted that
he was planning to organize a group Raspberry Pi purchase. So, I'll
let Scott note his plans in that regard, but, yes, this is the sort of
thing that would be of real interest to me.

As it is, the first production run of Raspberry Pi machines, currently
in progress, is 10,000 machines. Given the level of interest that
seems to be surrounding the Raspberry Pi, I expect that first run of
machines (which will all be the $35 model B (the $25 model A may not
start mass production for a few months)) will sell out in hours (maybe
in minutes). So, likely any group purchase will have to wait until a
second run of machines (hopefully by the end of March)...

> It does seem like the next logical thing to play with, after the
> Arduino.

Yes, in some ways the Raspberry Pi does kind of/sort of seem like an
Arduino on steroids...

> --
> Anthony de Boer
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