Cubox? Linux 3.7 released, bringing generic ARM support

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at
Sat Dec 15 18:30:40 UTC 2012

| From: Thomas Milne <thomas.bruce.milne-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at>

| The worst part is web browsing. It is unbearable. Now that is likely in
| large part because of limited memory,

Turn off Flash?  Suppress much javascript (not sure the best way)?
Plain old HTTP isn't too stressful.

What seems slow about it?  Fetching pages?  Rendering?  Refressing?
Each might suggest a different bottleneck (networking, processing,

Do you have any swap enabled?  Is it being used?

| but surely it would at least be more
| useable if I could get better use of the ARM processor with newer Linux
| version.

That would not be my expectation, but that is just a guess.

| My understanding is that the Ubuntu on there now does slow
| software  emulation of hardware operations.

Emulation of what hardware operations?  Floating point?

Scott said:

    The Cubox SoC is a ARMv7 instruction set, which means it has a
    mandatory hardware floating-point unit. It's also why Ubuntu works
    on it as Ubuntu's developers have choose only to support ARMv7
    architecture and above.

Do you have a reference that supports your understanding?
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