The TTC bylaws regarding the use of transfers are Draconian, nonsensical and business unfriendly.

phiscock-g851W1bGYuGnS0EtXVNi6w at phiscock-g851W1bGYuGnS0EtXVNi6w at
Sun Aug 12 02:56:27 UTC 2012

Actually, according to my understanding, large cities such as Toronto,
provide much more tax revenue to the provincial and federal governments
than they get back. (That seems to be a universal: it was a big complaint
when I was in Shanghai.) I was up in Collingwood last weekend and noticed
that the roads up there, and the highways between here and there, are in
much better shape than the roads in, say, East York. So we in Toronto
could kvetch that our tax revenues are subsidizing some rural riding

As well, one of my Oakville buddies complained that the taxes out there
are much higher than they are in the city of Toronto. True, but the lots
out there are much larger and the population density less. So when you
have 100 foot frontage, compared to my 15 feet frontage, you have to pay
for the extra road, hydro, water, sewage and so on...


> So, a couple of you kids seem to have a hard time getting around Toronto.
> It's "Draconian, nonsensical and business unfriendly."  Wow.   What a
> crisis.   Someone call Lester Pearson.
> The next time you whiners board your precious TTC bus, subway or
> streetcar,
> notice the little sign that's riveted beside the door.  It states that
> part
> of the funding for the TTC is paid for by the Government of Ontario.
> That
> means that every taxpayer from Windsor to Waterloo to WaWa is forced to
> subsidize your gallivanting around T.O.   So, here's a thought.  Why don't
> you figure out what the true(!) cost of your trip is - and then
> voluntarily
> pay your fair share?   I say that only after you do that for a couple of
> months - then you get the right to bitch...
> --
> The Toronto Linux Users Group.      Meetings:
> TLUG requests: Linux topics, No HTML, wrap text below 80 columns

Peter Hiscocks
Syscomp Electronic Design Limited, Toronto
USB Oscilloscope and Waveform Generator

The Toronto Linux Users Group.      Meetings:
TLUG requests: Linux topics, No HTML, wrap text below 80 columns

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