Using VPN at UoT with Network Manager?
Anthony de Boer
adb-SACILpcuo74 at
Mon Sep 12 00:13:40 UTC 2011
Lennart Sorensen wrote:
> If they would instead say: Here is how to configure openvpn for use with
> uoft's vpn that would be useful. But all that seems hidden away in
> their awful script.
Awhile back I was at a gig that had a .doc file loosely describing the
steps they wanted taken after each new Linux install, and I made a point
that the document would be much more precise and better-tested and take
less time if it was a plain text file starting with #!/bin/sh.
Since they're giving you a script and not an executable binary, you
*do* have a text file you can read and find out what's supposed to
be done (under at least a narrow set of common circumstances) to
achieve a working install.
Anthony de Boer
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