Debugging droid mta

Mike Kallies mike.kallies-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Tue Nov 22 14:34:40 UTC 2011

On 22/11/2011 7:57 AM, R. Russell Reiter wrote:
> I reviewed a couple of documents before sending this. The first was the
> tlug manefesto, in order to try and figure out if my debugging via the
> list resources was an abuse of list rules.
> I dunno, is my problem related to linux enough to continue to access
> this resource. You tell me, you are the many, I am the one. Majority
> rules etc...

Bringing up the problem was cool, and the discussion about whether
Android is on-topic or not was cool too.

It looks like you're at the point where it's certainly a problem with
the MUA not being able to send plain text messages to the list.

> Any trailer trash or borked text footer in this post?

The footer doesn't appear in Thunderbird, but it doesn't produce any
junk.  Your most recent message came through as dual-encoded.  HTML and
Plain Text.  The sig is not part of the encoding, the list software is
assuming plain text and doing a straight append.

It'd be better if you could figure out how to get your software to post
in plain text, but IMHO, unless somebody complains, it's a reasonable
compromise for posting to the list.  There was an old FAQ which
explained it a *little* more, but somehow it got abandoned when the site
got redesigned:

If I were in your shoes, I'd keep the settings you used for this recent
post, then create my own test environment and take the discussion off-list.


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