unborking tlug sig

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at public.gmane.org
Mon Nov 21 16:18:34 UTC 2011

This seems like a Keystone Cops thread.  Here's my simple theory that
explains everything:

1) Android's email MUA never sends unencoded plain text.
1a) It uses base64, or
1b) MIME (and the MIME components are probably encoded too, but that
    is not relevant).

2) TLUG's mailing list software tacks a plain text sig on all emails.
   As if they were unencoded plain text messages (it would still work
   if they were encoded as quoted printable text).

3) (1) and (2) don't mix well.  What the recipient sees of the wreck
   depends on the recipient's MUA

3a) (1a)+(2) in some MUAs shows up as crap at the end of the message.
    In others, it is just suppressed.  The TLUG footer certainly isn't

3b) (1b)+(2) seems to show up as no visible TLUG footer, but no
    APPARENT damage.  I think that technically the message is broken
    because the TLUG footer is not properly MIME encapsulated.

My MUA (Alpine) lets me look at the raw message to see what is going
on.  Surely yours does too.  Look: don't guess.

| From: Russell Reiter <rreiter91-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at public.gmane.org>

| No Tlug footer on your message.

Not true.  His was case 3b.  The footer was in the message.  Your MUA
didn't show it to you.

| In an effort to back-trace the problem, I'm going to try to disable
| Latitude, GPS and Google location as I'm thinking that the
| co-ordinates used by for location, rather than being sent in plain
| text are being bundled into a mime format in order to be parsed by a
| GIS system which either cannot or will not recognize plain text.

I don't see how that could be at all related.  But you never know.

| I refuse to believe that I cannot use linux to send a plain text
| message and I balk at having to root my device to do this.

I agree with your sentiment.  But Android, at this level (MUA), is not
really Linux.  And the error report seems to indicate that Google
doesn't consider this always-encode-base64 a bug.
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