possible router platforms

James Knott james.knott-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at public.gmane.org
Sun Jul 17 13:04:15 UTC 2011

Walter Dnes wrote:
> Is there really an money saved by having 1 Gbit connections
> locally and 10 or 100 megabits on the internet side?

With the cost of NICs these days, there's not much to be saved when 
buying new, if you can even find lower speed NICs.  However, if you have 
a separate router, there's no need to replace older 100 Mb NICs with Gb, 
as it will make no difference to your Internet connections.  For 
internal traffic, you can also upgrade NICs gradually, as the Ethernet 
switch (assuming it's capable of 1Gb) will handle the difference between 
Gb, 100 Mb and even 10 Mb devices.  On my own home network, most devices 
have 100 Mb NIC.  Only my main computer and one notebook can do 1 Gb.  
At the moment, my switch can only do 100 Mb, so that's the speed 
everything connects with.  If I were to replace my switch with one 
capable of 1 Gb, then those two computers could communicate at 1 Gb and 
everything else, 100 Mb.
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