Wireless for wired computers?

Jamon Camisso jamon.camisso-H217xnMUJC0sA/PxXw9srA at public.gmane.org
Tue Dec 6 14:17:54 UTC 2011

On 12/06/2011 08:56 AM, Phillip Mills wrote:
> We have two networks in the house.  Upstairs, there's a wireless router, hooked to cable, with one wired computer and a number of wireless devices. The downstairs network -- much older -- connects through DSL and includes two computers that can't use wireless.  The need for those two systems to access the net has become infrequent but still exists.
> I had the idea this morning that I could eliminate the DSL line, modem, and router if I had a box that combined a wireless client with a few wired ethernet ports.  Essentially, it would connect to the upstairs wireless router (distance isn't a problem) and broker that connection to computers that used its physical ports.
> Does such a thing exist and, if so, what would I call it when I went shopping?

I think you can do that with WDS and Open/DD/Tomato WRT firmwares on
wireless routers. I've never tried, but I know I see the option in those
on my WRT54GL/DIR-825 routers. Or even easier, I think you can make the
router a wifi client of the upstairs unit.

That or put a PCI wireless card in one of the downstairs boxes and add a
4 port ethernet card to it?

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