ivtv initialization error, ir control of Rogers set-top box

Dave Mason dmason-bqArmZWzea/GcjXNFnLQ/w at public.gmane.org
Sun Sep 19 18:49:24 UTC 2010

I am getting really frustrated trying to set up my mythtv world.

I had been using mythtv for several years with an *old* Fedora  
installation.  Happy, but the machine was too big and too much of a  
power hog, so I've gone to a mini-itx Foxconn board with an Atom 410  
on Debian Lenny.

I still haven't got the X doing the 1920x1200 mode that my monitor  
wants, but it does other modes, so I'm moving on.

I have mythtv installed, but when it boots up ivtv mostly doesn't  
initialize properly.  The driver calls request_irq but gets back a -16  
code, which means from the man page:
	EBUSY - There exists a registered handler for the requested interrupt.
but /proc/interrupts only lists about 10 numbered interrupts, I don't  
know which one it wants, and I don't know if I can specify an  
alternate.  ivtv is the last module loaded, so possibly if I could  
move it earlier in the boot sequence it would work better.

I say *molstly* doesn't initialize properly, becase the *REALLY* weird  
thing is that it has initialized properly a couple of times!  But I  
can't characterize when.

I've googled extensively but there is nothing newer than about 2007.

Also, I have digital (not HD) cable, so I'm going to connect the s- 
video to the PVR-350, so I need to find a card so I can tell the set- 
top box to change channels.  Any guidance on where to find this  
(especially locally), and/or how to set it up is appreciated.

Thanks  ../Dave
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