today is the day

CLIFFORD ILKAY clifford_ilkay-biY6FKoJMRdBDgjK7y7TUQ at
Mon Oct 25 21:24:39 UTC 2010

On 10/25/2010 04:57 PM, D. Hugh Redelmeier wrote:
> The idea that cutting down the cost of councillors would make an
> important difference in the city's budget is ludicrous and yet that is
> the centre of his platform.

I read an article, perhaps by Thomas Walkom at the Star (I don't 
remember), where this issue was discussed. I think the author was spot 
on when he wrote that while it's true that even if they eliminated 100% 
of the councillors and their expenditures on running their respective 
offices it wouldn't amount to enough to make a big difference, Ford's 
political opponents misread the populace who aren't just looking for 
"Big Ideas" but also symbolic gestures. He went on to write that while 
it may amount to a token amount for Kyle Rae, for example, to spend 
$12,000 on a going away party funded by the public, that really incenses 
many taxpayers because they view it as a symptom of a bigger problem, 
namely that public funds are spent in a cavalier fashion.

Clifford Ilkay
1419-3266 Yonge St.
Toronto, ON
Canada  M4N 3P6

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