Adding xorg from unstable to existing stable - Debian

Dave Mason dmason-bqArmZWzea/GcjXNFnLQ/w at
Mon Oct 11 03:14:42 UTC 2010

Hi all Debian experts,

I have determined the problem with my graphics is that the xorg  
drivers in lenny (Debian stable) are version 1.4.2 from Xorg and the  
drivers in 1.4.2 don't come close to supporting my hardware but I know  
for sure that the 2.12.0 drivers (which are in unstable) definitely do.

The page: 
intel.html says that 2.12.0 is in unstable and 2.3.2-2+lenny8 is in  
stable.  2.3.2 might solve my problem, but I just did an apt-get  
update and upgrade, but it didn't go near updating xorg (it only did 6  

How would I get that 2.3.2-2+lenny8 version to see if it works?  If  
not, how can I install a subset of packages from unstable without  
moving completely to unstable?

Thanks  ../Dave
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