OT experiences with tigerdirect

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at public.gmane.org
Tue May 18 19:03:21 UTC 2010

| From: Dave Cramer <davec-zxk95TxsVYDyHADnj0MGvQC/G2K4zDHf at public.gmane.org>
| I've recently ordered something online with tigerdirect. They send a
| flyer which advertised a code to input. When I got to the checkout
| there was no place to enter the code. I decided I would fix it after.
| So I emailed them with the problem. They now say the item is shipped
| and there is nothing they can do about it.

If it were me, I'd be annoyed but accept that I did make that order.

Consider phoning.  I've had pleasant conversations with TD sales
people.  But then I wasn't asking anything threatening.

I've bought a number of things from TD.  Most often off the internet.
Generally the reason has been an extreme sale or something that wasn't
available elsewhere.  Of the top of my head, in historical order:

- a Sharp Zaurus PDA.  Not available in Canada.  TD would sell it to
  me anyway

- Linksys wrtsl54gs wireless router

- (in store) a very good price on a low-end AMD CPU, part of last
  fall's "Black Friday" sale

- an LG netbook (that I touted on this list)

- (in the US, for US delivery) a refurb high-end Gateway desktop.

Their dealing has been reasonable.  But I'm careful: their idea of a
good price and mine usually differ and their shipping costs seem high.

Their stores are, uh, interesting.  Unlike any other.  Sometimes
things there are worth buying.

I've had one interesting transaction.  My most recent purchase was a
netbook.  Roughly a week after I ordered it, they advertised a
slightly lower price.  I phoned to see if they'd reduce what they had
already charged me.  They looked into it, found that the adversised
price was a mistake and changed the ad back to the price I had payed
AND refunded me the difference.  I was pretty surprised.  All of this
was by phone, with the same agent.
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