Will a 60-foot run of CAT-5 ethernet cable work?
Walter Dnes
waltdnes-SLHPyeZ9y/tg9hUCZPvPmw at public.gmane.org
Wed May 12 06:15:17 UTC 2010
Before anyone asks... wireless is not an option.
Problem 1) I am currently setting up and testing my HDHomerun dual tuner
using my netbook. I occasionally need to check something on Google or
the support forum for the tuner. That requires connecting to my ADSL
router modem in another room. Wireless works fine when I get home from
work. The wireless router blasts through a solid concrete wall, and only
4 or 5 access points show up on a scan. Later... that very same
evening... all my neighbours in the condo fire up their wireless
systems, 16 or more access points show up on a scan, and there are no
free channels, and my connection drops due to interference.
Problem 2) I'll eventually set up a desktop to control the HDHomerun,
and record movies, etc. A 1920x1080 high-definition TV signal uses close
to 9 gigabytes per hour for recording OUCH!!! If I want to move
recordings over to the desktop PC in my computer den, or watch something
live on my PC 24" LCD monitor, a flakey wireless connection is not going
to be usable.
So my only option, other than "sneakernet", is 60 feet of CAT-5 cable.
Will ethernet work over that?
Walter Dnes <waltdnes-SLHPyeZ9y/tg9hUCZPvPmw at public.gmane.org>
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