Announcing OpenWrt/MLPPP - multilink firmware for consumer routers - Caneris & Acanac

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at
Mon Mar 1 21:02:41 UTC 2010

| From: Lennart Sorensen <lsorense-1wCw9BSqJbv44Nm34jS7GywD8/FfD2ys at>

| Hmm, sounds neat.  Now since I know openwrt will work on the DIR-825
| that I have at least using the current development code, then mlppp
| might soon be an option on it too.  There probably aren't many other
| routers with that level of CPU and RAM as the DIR-825 has.

D-Link DIR-825 and Linksys WRT400n have a number of similarities but
some differences
- both have 32M RAM
- the 400n has 8M of flash.  I'd guess that the 825 does as well.
- both have AR7161 600 MHz Wireless Network Processing Unit (WNPU)
  (earlier revs of the 825 were different)
- 825 has a gigabit switch whereas the 400n is only 100M
- 825 has USB; the 400n does not

In theory, both should be supported well by OpenWRT because the
Atheros radios have open source drivers.  None of this binary-only
driver nonsense forced by Broadcom (or Ubicom, I think).  As far as I
can make out, support for the 400n is not in released versions of
OpenWRT -- use the development tree.

I found the 400n for $90 at SIG (a special; normally $100).  The 825
looks to be more expensive (and has a couple of better features).

I cannot give a review of the 400n since I've loaned it.

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