$200 (US) PC...

Colin McGregor colin.mc151-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at public.gmane.org
Mon Jul 26 22:06:07 UTC 2010

Thanks to the slashdot.org news website, I ran across the following
story about building a $200 (U.S.) PC:


In building the PC they did not include a keyboard, mouse or display
in the budget. Interesting to see where else they cut costs. The
people who did the above make no secret of their fondness for MS
Windows, but they note that they could not do MS Windows and hit their
price point target, so, Ubuntu Linux was the OS used. Also, to cut
costs they didn't include an optical drive and instead installed from
a USB memory key...

Interesting article on budget PC building...

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