A talent for repair

phiscock-g851W1bGYuGnS0EtXVNi6w at public.gmane.org phiscock-g851W1bGYuGnS0EtXVNi6w at public.gmane.org
Sun Jul 25 22:43:04 UTC 2010

We have an older Toshiba laptop that's been used by various members of the
family and eventually ended up being used by my wife Dorothy. A year ago,
the keyboard stopped working correctly, although the rest of the machine
was functional and we could use a USB keyboard instead. I took the machine
as far appart as I dared, looking for a bad connection - at one point I
had most of it spread out on my bench - but couldn't find anything wrong.

Dorothy got tired of this and bought a Mac. We put the Tosh in the basement.

Last week, Dorothy left for a vacation in Walton, NS, a former mining town
*away* out in rural Nova Scotia. On a whim, she took the Tosh with her to
show to a local woman who is self trained in fixing computers. Marg is
about 65 and 'started in computers' a few years ago. I was pretty
skeptical this was going anywhere.

Dorothy showed the computer to Marg and she very quickly determined that a
couple of the function keys were pushed down and locked together. Using a
paper clip, she freed the keys and the keyboard worked fine.

Some people, like Marg, have a real talent for repairing things. And it's
not necessarily those with an engineering degree ;).

Peter Hiscocks
Syscomp Electronic Design Limited, Toronto
USB Oscilloscope and Waveform Generator

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