best place to buy laptop?

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at
Fri Feb 26 16:10:41 UTC 2010

| From: Michael Lauzon <mlauzon-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at>

| You've got to remember that BB & FS "optomize" the laptops they sell,
| and when you ask for a laptop that isn't "optomized", they tell you
| they don't have any of those, etc. You can always check out
| TigerDirect.

What does "optomize" mean?

I last bought a notebook from BB about 2.5 years ago and had no such

Sometimes Staples has good deals when they are trying to get rid of
old stock.  Sometimes even then their prices are high.  I've heard
rumours that some Staples stores degrade these deals by requiring you
to buy some add-on package.  Is this what "optomize" means?

As Madi indicated, Red Flag Deals often points out really good
direct-from-Lenovo deals.

There is a fair variety in notebooks.  It is important to decide what
you want and need first.  My second notebook was a powerhouse with a
great screen and processor.  I discovered that the fact that it
weighed over 8 pounds was more important.  My subsequent notebooks
have been very small and light.

Notebooks usually get obsolete fairly quickly.  One can justify
replacing a cheap one more quickly than an expensive one.  So I lean
towards cheap ones.  On the other hand, if you are going to use it a
lot, you might get your money's worth out of a better notebook quickly
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