OT: BitTorrent Based DNS To Counter US Domain Seizures & The Pirate Bay Co-Founder Starting A P2P Based DNS To Take On ICANN

Jason Carson jason-HjkH5KTEMfuEjziKL+yzSg at public.gmane.org
Sat Dec 4 05:27:52 UTC 2010

Hey Michael,

I think you take the good with the bad. On the one hand, with a
distributed DNS system, the Internet will remain a free and open space
where free speech is protected. On the other hand you will have to put up
with file sharing and other illegal or nasty things (like a racist website
for example) that would be harder to shut down. Of course all that stuff
exists on the internet already and society hasn't collapsed.

It would seem the debate as to whether or not these technologies should be
released is a moot point as they have already started development. Which
will dominate is yet to be seen. Of course an open and free internet is
being attacked on other fronts...

> So, what does everyone think about this, of course we seem to have two
competing idea, the dot-P2P have a head start on Sunde.  Here's a brief
excerpt to both articles, with a link to the respective article:
"BitTorrent Based DNS To Counter US Domain Seizures":
> "In a direct response to the domain seizures by US authorities during
the last few days, a group of established enthusiasts have started working
on a DNS system that can’t be touched by any governmental institution.
> "Ironically, considering the seizure of the Torrent-Finder meta-search
engine domain, the new DNS system will be partly powered by
> BitTorrent.
> "In recent months, global anti-piracy efforts have increasingly
> focused on seizing domains of allegedly infringing sites. In the United
States the proposed COICA bill is explicitly aimed at
> increasing the government’s censorship powers, but seizing a domain
name is already quite easy, as illustrated by ICE and Department of
Justice actions last weekend and earlier this year."
> http://torrentfreak.com/bittorrent-based-dns-to-counter-us-domain-seizures-101130/
"The Pirate Bay Co-Founder Starting A P2P Based DNS To Take On ICANN":
"The Pirate Bay Co-Founder, Peter Sunde, has started a new project which
will provide a decentralized p2p based DNS system. This is a direct result
of the increasing control which the US government has over ICANN.
> T"he recent seizures of around 80 domains by the US authorities only
goes on to show the amount of influence the government have over the
internet. There is a fear that if the US Senate passes the Combating
Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act, such instances will increase –
becoming a threat to an open internet.
> "As long as there is a centralized root, there is always the
> possibility of interference from government and other agencies. To
counter this threat what Peter Sunde is suggesting is a new Domain Name
System based on peer to peer technology. Such a system will be
completely decentralized and hence almost impossible for the
> government or any other agencies to control."
> http://digitizor.com/2010/12/01/the-pirate-bay-co-founder-starting-a-p2p-based-dns-to-take-on-icann/
> Sincerely,
> Michael Lauzon
> --
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