related to a legal Internet problem

Zbigniew Koziol softquake-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Mon Aug 30 10:47:41 UTC 2010

This is a sort of question related to legal Internet problem.

No, I do not expect legal advice. I would like to hear your opinion.

And this is not directly related to Canada at all. This is a problem 
with a Polish web site (service).

Yes, I may use your opinions, at least before Polish Internet organizations.

Once in the past I asked here a question related to services like or . My question now is related to a 
Polish site that does the same,

Now, when I searched for a something in the past (a book, I guess, but I 
do not remember exactly, for what) I filled in an online form. I 
possibly did use their service to download something, but that I can not 
be certain.

According to their interpretation, I am supposed to pay them now for 
their service. Silly money, not such a big issue really, but the problem 
is not in money. The problem is in the way how they force people to pay: 
intimidation, sending many emails with threads (going to the court, 
citing the law in Poland, regardless how stupid or not it may be).

I do not live in Poland now, but I do care for what goes on there with 
the Internet. And I do somewhat care for people who could be fooled to 
pay money for nothing.

This is the first ever case I find when someone is supposed to pay for 
an Internet service AFTER receiving the service (and, actually, I am not 
sure if I did receive any).

Any additional explanations needed? I will value all your comments very 


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