site uptime monitoring tool

Rajinder Yadav at
Sat Sep 19 03:42:42 UTC 2009

William O'Higgins Witteman wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 11:25:23PM -0400, Rajinder Yadav wrote:
>> Anyone know of a good free or inexpensive site uptime monitoring site?
>> I guess I could write a ruby script to test my site, but I don't keep
>> my linux box running 24x7.
>> I came across - but they check every 15 min,
>> which I think the window is way too long.
> There are lots of options.  I run the following script with cron from
> two different servers, which point at each other.  It just sends an
> email, but that email is going to Rogers' email-to-SMS gateway, sending
> text to my phone.
> #!/usr/bin/python
> """
> Poll the websites specified in the configuration file
> """
> import httplib
> import optparse
> import os
> import smtplib
> import socket
> import sqlite3
> import time
> #############################################################
> #                                                           #
> # Here is the base configuration for sitepoll               #
> #                                                           #
> config_location = os.path.expanduser("~") + "/.sitepoll.db"
> # Email address goes here
> address = ("",)
> # URLs to poll go here
> urls = [("",)]
> #############################################################
> def connect2db():
>   """If if exists, connect to configuration DB, returning a connection 
>   object and a cursor.  If it does not exist, create and populate it."""
>   if os.path.exists(config_location):
>     a = sqlite3.connect(config_location)
>     b = a.cursor()
>   else:
>     a = sqlite3.connect(config_location)
>     b = a.cursor()
>     a.commit()
>     b.close()
>     b.execute("""create table urls(url text unique)""")
>     b.execute("""create table address(address text)""")
>     b.execute("""create table flags(url text unique, first text, latest text)""")
>     b.execute("""create table log(url text, status text, timestring text, timestamp text)""")
>     b.execute("""insert into address values (?)""", address)
>     for url in urls:
>       b.execute("""insert into urls values (?)""", url)
>     a.commit()
>     b.close()
>     a = sqlite3.connect(config_location)
>     b = a.cursor()
>   return [a,b]
> def update_config():
>   """Update the config sections of the configuration DB."""
>   """WARNING: This also clears the flags."""
>   a = connect2db()
>   conn = a[0]
>   c = a[1]
>   c.execute("delete from urls")
>   c.execute("delete from flags")
>   c.execute("delete from address")
>   conn.commit()
>   c.execute("""insert into address values (?)""", address)
>   for url in urls:
>     c.execute("""insert into urls values (?)""", url)
>     conn.commit()
>     c.close()
> def geturls():
>   """Get the URLs to poll, return a list."""
>   siteurls = []
>   a = connect2db()
>   conn = a[0]
>   c = a[1]
>   c.execute("select * from urls")
>   for i in c:
>     siteurls.append(i[0])
>   c.close()
>   return siteurls
> def getreportaddy():
>   """Get email address from the config, return string."""
>   a = connect2db()
>   conn = a[0]
>   c = a[1]
>   c.execute("select address from address")
>   report_address = c.fetchone()
>   return report_address
> def pollsite(url):
>   """Poll a website, returning the response code."""
>   a = httplib.HTTPConnection(url)
>   try:
>     a.request("GET","/")
>   except:
>     b = "404"
>     return b
>   b = a.getresponse()
>   return b.status
> def logit(url,status):
>   """Log an error."""
>   mytime = time.strftime("%Y %m %d %H:%M:%S",time.localtime())
>   mytimestamp = time.mktime(time.localtime())
>   log_parts = (url, status, mytimestamp, mytime)
>   a = connect2db()
>   conn = a[0]
>   c = a[1]
>   c.execute("""insert into log values (?,?,?,?)""", log_parts)
>   conn.commit()
>   c.close()
> def sendmessage(url,status,duration,timestr):
>   """Send an email to the required address to state that the URL is """
>   """responding with 'status'."""
>   toaddr = getreportaddy()
>   msg = url + " failed with this status ( " + str(status) + " ) at " + timestr
>   myhostname = socket.gethostname()
>   server = smtplib.SMTP(myhostname)
>   server.sendmail(toaddr,toaddr,msg)
>   server.quit()
> def setflag(flagged_url,status):
>   """Set a flag for the URL in the flag file, creating it if necessary."""
>   mytime = time.strftime("%Y %m %d %H:%M:%S",time.localtime())
>   mytimestamp = time.mktime(time.localtime())
>   a = connect2db()
>   conn = a[0]
>   c = a[1]
>   c.execute("select url,first,latest from flags where url=?", (flagged_url,))
>   if c.fetchone():
>     """There is already a flag for this URL - update with this timestamp."""
>     try:
>       first = c.fetchone()[1]
>     except:
>       first = 0
>     try: 
>       latest = c.fetchone()[2]
>     except:
>       latest = 0
>     #debug print("Found a record.")
>     c.execute("update flags set latest=? where url=?",(mytimestamp,flagged_url))
>     conn.commit()
>     logit(flagged_url,status)
>     # Test the difference between latest and now.
>     difference = mytimestamp - first
>     if difference > 86405*3:
>       pass
>     elif difference >= 86400*3:
>       sendmessage(flagged_url,status,difference,mytime)
>     elif difference >= 86400*2:
>       sendmessage(flagged_url,status,difference,mytime)
>     elif difference >= 86400:
>       sendmessage(flagged_url,status,difference,mytime)
>     else:
>       pass
>   else:
>     """There's no flag for this URL yet - set one, with timestamp as first."""
>     #debug print("No record yet.")
>     c.execute("insert into flags(url,first,latest) values (?,?,?)",(flagged_url,mytimestamp,mytimestamp))
>     conn.commit()
>     logit(flagged_url,status)
>     sendmessage(flagged_url,status,0,mytime)
> def clearflag(flagged_url):
>   """Clear a flag on successful return."""
>   a = connect2db()
>   conn = a[0]
>   c = a[1]
>   c.execute("delete from flags where url=?",(flagged_url,))
>   conn.commit()
>   c.close()
> def status_response(url,status):
>   """Look at the status code returned, and craft an appropriate response."""
>   if status != 200:
>     setflag(url,status)
>   else:
>     clearflag(url)
> # Here is the action code
> #   Check for the update config directive (and act appropriately)
> #     get a list of URLs, 
> #       poll each one, 
> #       push their status to the status_response function
> def main():
>   """Define an OptionParser object and make the appropriate function calls."""
>   usage = "Usage: %prog [options]"
>   parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
>   #parser.add_option("-h", "--help", action="store_true", dest="help", help="Use -h or --help to see this.  You probably knew that.")
>   parser.add_option("-u", "--update", action="store_true", dest="update", help="Use -u or --update to update the configuration in the database.  WARNING: this also clears all of the currently set flags.")
>   (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
>   if options.update:
>     update_config()
>   elif len(args) != 1:
>     urls2poll = geturls()
>     for url in urls2poll:
>       status = pollsite(url)
>       status_response(url,status)
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>   main()
> This uses a sqlite database to track stats and response codes.  I only
> have it call my phone once per day of outage, but you can change that.
> I use it at work to keep track of my home computer, and at home to keep
> track of work.

Thanks William for the script, unfortunately this would require I have a server 
running 24/7 to monitor which I do not. I am looking for someone else that 
provides basic monitoring for me.

Kind Regards,
Rajinder Yadav
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