[kinda OT] home network speed

James Knott james.knott-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at public.gmane.org
Mon Oct 19 16:51:12 UTC 2009

Lennart Sorensen wrote:
> There are times
> my network drops to 35KB/s (when I suspect a neighbour decides to use
> the old crap 2.4GHz phone, given the problem always lasts about 1 to 10
> minutes before going back to normal).
One thing a lot of people fail to realize is that the radio spectrum
used by WiFi is shared by many things and as an unlicensed service, it
is not entitled to any protection from interference.  It also may not
cause interference to a licensed service.  That neighbour's phone may be
working fine and may even be interfered with by you.  Neither of you
would have any recourse on such interference.  On the other hand, the
2.4 GHz band partially overlaps an amateur radio band.  Since amateur
radio is a licensed service, it has absolutely no concerns about
interference to WiFi or phones etc., but is entitled to protection from
those devices.  So, if you were interfering with amateur radio on that
band, you'd have to fix the problem, even if it means shutting down
completely.  If you were interfered with by someone using that amateur
band, you'd have no recourse whatsoever.
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