Vector Tool for Schematics

John Moniz john.moniz-rieW9WUcm8FFJ04o6PK0Fg at
Tue Oct 6 14:11:45 UTC 2009

The article on Linux graphics tools reminded me that I have an upcoming 
cottage project for which I should draw some schematics and plan out 
what I'm going to do before I royally mess it up.

In a nutshell, I will be doing some foundation work underneath the cabin 
(no basement) and would like to lay out the lower part of the cabin to 
scale and make schematic plans of the foundation work in some detail. It 
won't be as detailed as a professional blueprint and I don't need 
something as sophisticated as a CAD program. I think something that I 
can keep to scale and be able to make infinite changes without using an 
eraser. The scale thing could be something as simple as a grid on the 
screen. I was going to look at Inkscape, Xfig and Kivio, which have been 
mentioned on previous posts, but have not used any of them to date.

Quite a while back, I did schematics of a cabinet I wanted to build 
using using Lotus Freelance Plus. It did the job then and would probably 
have worked for what I need now. I've given up on IBM porting it to Linux.

Anyone have any experience making schematics for building/renovations 
that could make a recommendation?


(oops, kind of ended up with a long post... sorry)
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