C++ IDE Recommendation

Marc Lanctot lanctot-yfeSBMgouQgsA/PxXw9srA at public.gmane.org
Mon Mar 16 15:28:49 UTC 2009

This is a summary response of my experience with the C++ IDEs that were 
recommended to me, ie. the last few posts from Tyler Aviss, Michael 
Lauzon, and Ted Leslie.

Ted: my apps aren't that big so command-line gdb and valgrind work fine 
for me. I don't need integrated debugging.

Anjuta: Does everything I need. Tyler: it does support Goto Definition 
Tag by highlighting a function name and right-clicking; there's no hot 
key for it which is a bit weird but I won't have to do all that often so 
that's OK. It does not work as well as Slickedit's; in particular when 
there's a collision between method (ie. two diff subclasses override the 
same method in the base class) names it won't give you the choice to 
disambiguate like SE does. Licensed under GPL and is free. It's built on 
GTK, it's very fast and usable. It has plugins for valgrind and gprof 
which is a nice.

SlickEdit: Does everything I need. Fastest of the three. Best 
implementation of code indexing. Seems to be built on some older GUI 
cross-platform lib (Motif?) so it has a bit of an older look/feel -- 
could be why it's the fastest, though. Not free: license costs 300$.

Komodo: Also fast and usable. Doesn't support code indexing for C or C++ 
as far as I can tell but does for some languages (Perl, Python, and 
more..). Not free: license costs 300$, but there's a student version 
which I assume is rebated.

Thanks again for all the info!

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might as well have been written by someone else.
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