Unfortunate Ubuntu media coverage

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at public.gmane.org
Thu Jan 22 05:40:01 UTC 2009

| From: Maureen Thornton <maureen-lxSQFCZeNF4 at public.gmane.org>
| Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 11:48:11 -0500

| It has taken me four years to get comfortable with Linux, most of my friends and co-workers that
| I turned on to Linux have done exactly what this lady has done...given up and (fortunately had
| the cash) purchased Windows, taken it so someone who understands computers and had it
| installed.

Thanks for being brave enough to post this.  I appologize for any
adverse reaction.

I've been using computers for over a third of a century so I may not good 
at seeing problems that newcomers encounter.

I find it surprising that it would take four years to get comfortable with 
Linux.  I switched my 90 year old father from Windows XP to Ubuntu without 
major issues.  It really depends on what applications you need and want.

|  If you guys want to promote Linux to "everyman" make it more user 
| friendly for the rank that just wish to turn it on and it works.

That isn't clear enough, at least to me, to know what you are thinking 
about.  Could you be more explicit?

|  I have had Ubunutu Installed on my Toshiba laptop in July and I am 
| still trying to get it up to where I want and need it!

Could you be more explicit?

Linux is better and better on laptops, but it isn't perfect.  Laptop 
hardware often has odd or proprietary features.  The manufacturer will 
create drivers etc. so that the MS Windows version they ship works with
their hardware.  Few manufacturers do that for Linux.
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