my last-minute CRTC submission on net neutrality

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at
Mon Feb 23 07:00:29 UTC 2009

The CRTC is accepting comments from the public until today.

The request for comments is here:

To respond, go here:
go to the bottom of the pages and click on the button labelled

You can type in a comment or upload a an HTML, MS Word, of MS Excel 

I've attached my proposed submission.  I welcome suggestions, preferably 
before, say, noon.

PS: I don't really know HTML.  One problem that I've inherited from the 
original document is that I use <UL> for indentation (dumb, I 
think).  I've not used <LI> which is wrong.  But if I add <LI> I get 
bullets where I want nothing.  CSS can fix this but I don't know how to 
use CSS.
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