freenx question

Tyler dl-VfU7g9ZgxX7GZwFJSaPsbg at
Sun Feb 22 00:09:47 UTC 2009

Neil Watson wrote:
> In an attempt to over come ISP based throttling I've been looking at
> Freenx.  Having read the docs I'm still unclear as to how the client
> authenticates.  Why is an 'nx' user needed on the server?  Does it work
> like this?
> nxlcient --ssh as my acct-> sshserver --ssh as 'nx'-> localhost
> That seems very odd.  Can anyone here explain how Freenx works?
> Sincerely,

I believe the process works like this:

nxclient connects as 'ns' using a universally-known private key for 
authentication.  Although insecure, this account has absolutely no 
rights on the server system.  (Alternatively, you can change out the 
key, but you would need to change it on every client.)

Through this connection, the client authenticates (for real this time), 
negotiates the session (use disconnected session? start a new one?), and 
gets connection information.

You then disconnect and reconnect as your user account, using the 
connection information you received.

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