Xfig questions

David J Patrick djp-tnsZcVQxgqO2dHQpreyxbg at public.gmane.org
Tue Dec 29 13:28:51 UTC 2009

Xfig ? but why ?
yes Xfig
It ain't fancy, runs anywhere and for me, right now, it offers the 
path-of-least-resistance to publishing. I've been learning the wonders 
of LaTeX and Xfig seems to be the most direct route to creation of the 
.eps images that publishing software prefers, and it has all the 
features one would need from a basic drawing/ diagramming program.

so the questions;

how to rotate other than 90deg ?
seems obvious, can't do it.

If I want to use fig to create (low-accuracy) scale floorplans, by 
tracing over a CAD image, what's the best way to set up the scale ?

Is there such thing as a table-like arrangement, and if there is, would 
one be able to have individual cel contents ?

thanks for the help, as I turn my back on the googlfied clouded OpenGLy 
"modern" way, and rediscover things that were cool (and actually worked) 
in the '90s.

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