scary things at CRTC

James Knott james.knott-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Fri Apr 10 01:09:24 UTC 2009

Madison Kelly wrote:
> Heck, even Stephen Hawking, an atheist, has said that what we study
> does not preclude the existence of a creator. It does however try to
> understand this existence.
Further on Stephen Hawing, when you read his books, you'll find him
referring to creation myths and "god" as a metaphor.  In his "theory of
everything", he works to reduce everything into a set of laws that
everything obeys.  That sort of thing doesn't leave much room for any
god.  If everything obeys the laws, then there's no god doing magic
tricks.  As another example of faith, many people think that miracles
can be performed at Lourdes.  However, Carl Sagan took the number of
Lourdes miracles recognized by the church and found that the miracle
rate was less than the natural remission rate.  Further, you're more
likely to die from travel accidents to/from Lourdes than you were to
find a miracle cure there.  Also, many people have claimed such a
miracle cure.  How many times has something that's easily verified, such
as the regrowing of an amputated limb been demonstrated?  If none, then
"god" must be very selective in handing out miracles.

Religion is an insult to intelligence and reason.

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