scary things at CRTC
James Knott
james.knott-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Thu Apr 9 11:17:02 UTC 2009
Dave Germiquet wrote:
> My Stand point still stands:
> Even the root of certain "Science" is faith. Can you tell me exactly
> the root of everything? The root of the big bang? What caused the
> initial explosion. Can you tell me the root of DNA or the root of the
> amoeba..or even fuller.
> I'm just a fool..someone with more intelligence about science could
> prove me right. The root of all belief of something is faith even
> science.
There are a lot of things in science that are, as of yet, unknown. Some
may always be unknown. However, knowledge is continually expanding and
the edges being rolled back. Taking the position that if something is
not know, it must be due to "god" is absolute garbage. If "god" did
something, let's see some evidence.
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