oracle? need help with installation

William Muriithi william.muriithi-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Mon Oct 20 19:59:30 UTC 2008


> I have never felt the need to even look at Oracle.

I can understand. With the number of databases around, there is no
pressure at all to look at Oracle.
> Now if they let someone package it up in a nice debian package, I might
> consider it, but it seems either that isn't allowed or no one has been
> nuts enough to try it yet, or I just haven't noticed it because I
> haven't cared to look at Oracle in the first place.

This will never happen. Oracle with remain only available on the two
"enterprise distributions" Redhat and Suse. Nobody other than oracle
can distribute it. Really annoying that even when one need download it
for none commercial purpose, you have to register and accept some
condition I have never cared to read.

> Do they have documentation for it?  Does it work on any distribution
> other than that ones they say it works on?  Does it work on the ones
> they say it works on?

Kind of responded to these questions in the previous paragraph. I
would say its documented as I can find any information on it so far.
You should not take my answer serious though as I can not claim to be
a heavy user of Oracle.

I do share your feeling about them. The most annoying thing is, if you
want to join any Oracle user group, you have to pay a fee. Not that I
am against paying, but it does give the group a corporate feel. When I
was interested to join the group, I was job searching and did not feel
like dipping in the pocket. May be its worth it though if they
guarantee a response to any question.


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