sudo / update manager

Colin McGregor colin.mc151-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Sat May 24 14:39:22 UTC 2008

On 5/24/08, Mr Chris Aitken <chris-n/jUll39koHNgV/OU4+dkA at> wrote:
> How do I add a user to the sudo list? I've never had to do that before
> because the first user created is usually in that list.

Well, at the top of my /etc/sudoers file there is a note that tell me
to edit that file with 'visudo'. The syntax for /etc/sudoers can be
found with 'man sudoers'.

> Why it's on my mind to do this today is that Update Manager tells me
> there are 61 updates I can install but I hit the Install button and get
> a pretty orange status bar filling up but then the interface returns as
> it did before (with no message that the installs are compete).

The last time that sort of thing happened to me was when I managed to
fill /var (which is where my update utility dropped .deb files used
during the update process). So, befor you go crazy with sudoers, check
how full your disk drive(s) are...

> I'm wondering if it's because my user is not in the sudo list.
> Chris

Colin McGregor
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