I know it's off topic, but...
phiscock-g851W1bGYuGnS0EtXVNi6w at public.gmane.org
phiscock-g851W1bGYuGnS0EtXVNi6w at public.gmane.org
Fri May 23 00:41:20 UTC 2008
>> I suspect, or at least hope, that with that and:
>> 1) EU pressure
>> 2) Outrage over OOXML & ISO
>> 3) Customer pressure
>> they've realized the time has come to properly support ODF.
> I would not be so optimistic.
> As Lennart noticed, they will use every opportunity to mess up with a
> standard. ODF is a relatively new standard and, as such, certainly has
> logical flows embeded there. Any problem with ODF they will likely use
> for their own advantage.
> While OOXML possibly has been created just for reverting attention
> from ODF project. Possible? Yes. If to believe in various opinions
> about its complexity, it is likely that they do not know themself yet
> how to implement it.
> zb.
>From http://www.robweir.com/blog/, performance metrics on loading a large
spreadsheet file:
* Microsoft Office 2003 in XLS format = 0.75 seconds
* OpenOffice 2.4.0 in XLS format = 3.03 seconds
* Microsoft Office 2003 in OOXML format = 8.28 seconds
* OpenOffice 2.4.0 in ODF format = 14.09 seconds
* Microsoft Office 2003 in ODF format = 515.60 seconds
Can someone explain to me why Microsoft Office needs almost 10 minutes to
load an ODF file that OpenOffice can load in 14 seconds?
This is one of several ways that M$ could sabotage ODF: make it hugely
Fooled me once: shame on you. Fooled me twice: shame on me.
Peter Hiscocks
Syscomp Electronic Design Limited, Toronto
USB Oscilloscope and Waveform Generator
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