Gentoo desktop?

Christopher Friedt cfriedt-u6hQ6WWl8Q3d1t4wvoaeXtBPR1lH4CV8 at
Mon Jan 21 02:35:54 UTC 2008

Kristian Erik Hermansen wrote:
> The problem comes when
> you need to get something done immediately, and your Gentoo breaks.
> You are SOL, especially if you installed stage1 ~amd64 like me :-)  I
> enjoy the fine-tuned ability of setting my USE flags, but after a
> while, I got sick of it and just wanted my system to install a package
> and be done.  I didn't like planning my meals around 'emerge'
> sessions!  So, there is a trade-off of getting what you need
> immediately and having to wait for long compile times...

I completely agree... I'm pretty sick of compiling packages. For that 
reason alone, I'm likely going to set up my own package server at some 
point if I do decide to stick with Gentoo.

Ubuntu will likely be on my next laptop (Eee PC 8G), just for 
simplicity's sake. Heck, I could probably put gentoo, ubuntu, and 
Windoze (OMG!) on separate SD cards ;-) ... actually, i'm not even sure 
if I know how to use windows any more... I'm afraid I would put cygwin 
on it ;-)

> Now, some would say that binaries solve the compilation of large
> packages like Gnome, KDE,, etc.  However, these packages are
> not in a main repository, as you say, and could be a security
> vulnerability (trojaned).  I would never use Gentoo binary packages on
> a machine that needed to be secured...

My brain is too tired to even think about the security complications of 
centralized or even decentralized binary package repos... although even 
if the repo published a validation cert that the repo admin presumeably 
called to each client, there's still the possibility of a man in the 
middle attack.

Gentoo will likely be experiencing some major overhauls and new 
direction (Daniel Robins might be heading back as the pres!).

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