Xenix FS history lesson please
D. Hugh Redelmeier
hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at public.gmane.org
Fri Feb 22 20:35:55 UTC 2008
| From: Madison Kelly <linux-5ZoueyuiTZhBDgjK7y7TUQ at public.gmane.org>
| However, I am having next to no
| luck finding information on, or the differences between, the Xenix '/root' and
| '/usr' filesystems. I even looked up the old Xenix programming manual (closest
| I could find to a sysadmin doc) from 1979, but could not find the differences.
| Anyone here remember anything about those filesystems? (IDs 02h [Xenix /root]
| and 03h [Xenix /usr])
The Wikipedia article on Xenix gives some hints. It suggests that Xenix
didn't hit the IBM PC until 1983. That is when it would have started
to use the IBM PC partitioning scheme.
I have an earlier machine that runs Xenix. Partitioning was not at
all like IBM PC partitioning.
Those filesystems are probably just Seventh Edition or System III
filesystems (I don't remember if those are different).
I don't know why the IDs are distinct. Possibly just so that the
kernel can more easily find the partition it needs to get started
Those IDs might have been assigned later. I don't know what filesystems
Xenix used later.
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