EFBIG (File too large)

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at public.gmane.org
Mon Feb 18 05:19:21 UTC 2008

I've been using my text editor (JOVE) for roughly 25 years.  I got a 
surprise today, but I don't know how long this has been lurking.

I tried to read a log file into the editor but it said 
  Couldn't open "/space/tmp/logs/mythburn.log".

I had no idea why.  The permissions were correct.  So I straced the editor 
and found that the file open syscall failed with EFBIG.

What the heck is this?

The open(2) manpage did not list EFBIG.  Bad.

But I did see this bit:
              (LFS)  Allow files whose sizes cannot be represented in an off_t
              (but can be represented in an off64_t) to be opened.

This seems really stupid.  Why not make off_t large enough to do its
job?  Why have a separate off64_t?  We use headers and typedefs so
these things can change when they should.

I'm not going to "fix" JOVE.  Why add cruft like that.

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