[Fwd: RE: Please Stand Against the New Copyright Bill]

John Myshrall jmyshrall-6duGhz7i8susTnJN9+BGXg at public.gmane.org
Sat Aug 23 22:24:00 UTC 2008

We at least my MP responded. I guess I'll have to ask him some tougher 
questions now that I have his attention.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	RE: Please Stand Against the New Copyright Bill
Date: 	Fri, 22 Aug 2008 11:13:19 -0400
From: 	Khan, Wajid - M.P. <Khan.W-o8LxKXBI9Raw5LPnMra/2Q at public.gmane.org>
To: 	John Myshrall <jmyshrall-6duGhz7i8susTnJN9+BGXg at public.gmane.org>
References: 	<200808190054.m7J0ssR4021409-iioVC6aiMHEdMfaqnadsTg at public.gmane.org>

Dear Mr. Myshrall,

Thank you for your e-mail regarding the Copyright legislation.

The proposed legislation, Bill C-61, is a made-in-Canada approach that balances the needs of Canadian consumers and copyright owners, promoting culture, innovation and competition in the digital age.

Specifically, it includes measures that would:
*	expressly allow you to record TV shows for later viewing; copy legally purchased music onto other devices, such as MP3 players or cell phones; make back-up copies of legally purchased books, newspapers, videocassettes and photographs onto devices you own; and limit the "statutory damages" a court could award for all private use copyright infringements; 
*	implement new rights and protections for copyright holders, tailored to the Internet, to encourage participation in the online economy, as well as stronger legal remedies to address Internet piracy 
*	clarify the roles and responsibilities of Internet Service Providers related to the copyright content flowing over their network facilities 
*	provide photographers with the same rights as other creators
The Bill does not empower border agents to seize your iPod or laptop at border crossings, contrary to recent public speculation.

The Bill is not a mirror image of U.S. copyright laws. Our Bill is made-in-Canada with different exceptions for educators, consumers and others and brings us into line with more than 60 countries including Japan, France, Germany and Australia

For more information, please visit the Copyright Reform Process website at www.ic.gc.ca/epic/site/crp-prda.nsf/en/home

As with any bill, there will be ample opportunity for stakeholder input and public discussion.   The Bill will be debated in Parliament, and will be closely examined in the Committee stage.  I will be following this Bill closely as it moves through the legislative process, and ensuring that the views of my constituents are represented.

Thank you for sharing your views on this important matter.


Wajid Khan, MP

-----Original Message-----
From: John Myshrall [mailto:jmyshrall-6duGhz7i8susTnJN9+BGXg at public.gmane.org] 
Sent: August 18, 2008 8:55 PM
To: Khan, Wajid - M.P.
Cc: Minister.Industry-3JS968At9U0 at public.gmane.org; Verner, Josée - Députée
Subject: Please Stand Against the New Copyright Bill

August 18, 2008

Mr. Wajid Khan
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6

Dear Sir,

I'm a constituent who has been following recent developments in
Canadian copyright law. I'm concerned that the Copyright bill (C-61)
presented by the government on June 12th goes too far in outlawing
the lawful use of copyrighted material, and does not take into
account the needs of consumers and Canada's creative community who
are exploiting the potential of digital technology.  I'm disappointed
that this bill adopts an American approach to digital copyright laws,
instead of crafting a Canadian approach.

Canada's copyright laws need to advance Canada's interests.  This
means copyright laws that respect ordinary consumer practices, such
as unlocking cell phones and copying the contents of purchased DVDs
for use in video iPods.  The current bill outlaws these practices. 
This means copyright that facilitates the work of Canadian creators,
such as documentary filmmakers, who instead find that this bill
outlaws the use of DVDs as source materials for their films.  This
means we find made-in-Canada solutions to the challenges of
file-sharing, such as consideration of the P2P proposal of the
Songwriters Association of Canada.  Instead, this bill paves the road
to importing the consumer file-sharing lawsuit strategy that has
failed so spectacularly in the United States.  Canada deserves

Please ensure that C-61 really is made for Canadians by allowing all
Canadian stakeholders a say in its final contents. That means
meaningful consultation in the coming months, and opening up Canada's
copyright policy to more than just the special interests that lobbied
behind the scenes for this law. As my MP, I urge you to represent my
interests in the copyright debate.


John Myshrall
3140 Pebblewood Road

Mississauga, ON L5N6M7

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