P.H.P. and Python

jemcinto-cpI+UMyWUv+w5LPnMra/2Q at public.gmane.org jemcinto-cpI+UMyWUv+w5LPnMra/2Q at public.gmane.org
Tue Apr 29 18:33:11 UTC 2008

I used to think that P.H.P. and Python were programming languages.

Then someone told me that they were not programming languages, but
scripting languages.

Now I have read that P.H.P. and Python are neither programming languages
nor scripting languages, but are instead frameworks.

What are the differences between programming languages, scripting
languages, and frameworks ?

James ('Jim') E. McIntosh
<jemcinto-cpI+UMyWUv+w5LPnMra/2Q at public.gmane.org>

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