File formats for resumes (was Re:soffice cli interface?)

Evan Leibovitch evan-ieNeDk6JonTYtjvyW6yDsg at
Thu Apr 24 03:24:11 UTC 2008

Christopher Browne wrote:
> That meshes nicely with the reason why I'd be loathe to allow them to
> have anything *BUT* a .pdf document, namely the fact that I don't want
> those sorts of folks to have any capability to modify my resume.
They don't want to modify it, they want to do keyword extraction. Such
activity is thwarted by embedding the resume as a JPG (it's unlikely
they use OCR) and thus such a tactic is pointless. And PDFs are usually
disliked because they're often bloated -- including every used font is
just one thing that makes PDFs generally much bigger than DOC or ODT
files of the same document.

In any case, the job of a recruiter -- and the only way they make money
-- is matching people with suitable jobs. If I was using the service of
such a recruiter and small modifications in my resume would make that
task easier, why would I object? I have found that "good"  resumes are
in the eye of the beholder and sometimes need to be modified for the
employer. If the headhunter is willing to do that work for me I'd hardly
want to get in their way.

- Evan

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