Learning to Program

Henry de Valence hdevalence-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at public.gmane.org
Sun Sep 30 00:05:07 UTC 2007

Hi. I'm 15, and I started using Linux last February, and haven't looked back. 
I started with Ubuntu, but then I switched to Kubuntu. Right now I'm running 
Gutsy Gibbon, because Fiesty doesn't support my video card. Anyways, I know a 
bit about Java and C++ (I have the basic stuff about datatypes, control 
structures, functions and recursion, etc, and some OOP stuff.) What I know I 
learned partly by myself and partly in a summer course I took (the Grade 11 
CS course, but according to my teacher we went beyond what we were supposed 

Anyways, I'm looking for a good, comprehensive guide to learning about 
programming GUI applications for KDE using QT, and I figured this would be a 
good place to ask. Ideally, I'd like something that I can do a bit at a time, 
because I have homework and other stuff. The other thing is that I'd like to 
learn programming for KDE 4 applications, but right now I'm running 7.10, 
which uses KDE 3.5. I thought this would be a good place to ask for 

Harry de Valence
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