Geek woman news story of possible interest...

Lennart Sorensen lsorense-1wCw9BSqJbv44Nm34jS7GywD8/FfD2ys at
Mon Sep 24 14:03:20 UTC 2007

On Sun, Sep 23, 2007 at 03:15:32PM -0400, Matt Middleton wrote:
> In this day and age, especially with the paranoia about people trying  
> to do horrible things with airplanes, it unfortunately forces us to  
> conform.  If you choose not to, fine, but you must be prepared for the  
> potential consequences - in this case, damn near being shot.
> I've done a fair bit of flying over the last couple of years, and I do  
> the same thing as you Colin - there's no point in trying to make a  
> "statement" at the airport.  If you really wanted to make some sort of  
> pro-geek statement, wear a Penguin shirt, or something from a place  
> like ThinkGeek.

And why all the worry about airports?  They already did airplanes.  Why
won't they pick trains, ships (just remember what happend many years ago
in halifax from a ship), busses, etc.  Someone setting of a bomb in a
large train station would probably kill as many people as 9/11 did.  Can
you screen everyone entering a train station?  Not if you want it to
work you can't.

Until people start dealing with the reason there are people doing crazy
things then they will continue to happen.

Len Sorensen
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