New computer - x64 or x32?

Jamon Camisso jamon.camisso-H217xnMUJC0sA/PxXw9srA at
Sun Sep 2 01:00:24 UTC 2007

William O'Higgins Witteman wrote:
> I've got a new computer with a AMD Athlonâ„¢ 64 X2 Dual-Core chip in it,
> and I'm wondering if I should put a 64-bit Linux on it, or just stick to
> a 32-bit system.  Pros?  Cons?

How much memory? Anything over 4gb, I wouldn't hesitate to use 64bit, 
PAE or not. What distribution? What will you use the box for? How much 
time would you want to spend setting up 32bit flash and java plugins 
(pretty easy actually).

I guess my question is really, why not 64bit? 32 bit flash with 
nspluginwrapper, and java have a 32 and 64 bit version of their jre/jdk 
too, the rest should be pretty much the same as your current 32 bit os. 
And if you're doing any multimedia work the difference is more apparent.

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