OT:Tigerdirect.ca prices

Marcus Brubaker marcus.brubaker-H217xnMUJC0sA/PxXw9srA at public.gmane.org
Sun Oct 14 20:54:59 UTC 2007

Ansar Mohammed wrote:
> Can anyone offer a reasonable explanation as to why prices for the 
> same products in Tigerdirect.com are still 25% cheaper than 
> tigerdirect.ca? (even before taxes)
Remember that the Canadian Dollar has been going up mostly (though not 
entirely) because the US dollar has been going down.  Most electronics 
prices are set based on non-US/CDN currencies so we're unlikely to see a 
decrease in price any time soon.  However, the US is likely to see a 
gradual increase in the price.  Plus none of this will come into play 
(as another person noted) until the current stocks have been replaced 
which could take a while.

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