OT: Buying an iPod in Toronto: recommendations please

James Knott james.knott-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at public.gmane.org
Tue Nov 20 20:53:24 UTC 2007

Jamon Camisso wrote:
>>> Also, when I bought mine at Bay Bloor, I was able to pick up a
>>> kickin' set of headphones. You won't find better 'phones than at
>>> Bay Bloor, and the ear buds that come with the iPod are...less than
>>> impressive.
>> Considering the source is MP3, how much will a kickin' set of
>> headphones improve sound over a decent pair?
> Unless you've spent $500+ on a good set of cans, or $1000+ on speakers, 
> and more on an amp, I challenge anyone to discern the difference 
> between an mp3 at 192kbps, or an ogg at q7.
> I recall someone on a list arguing that they could tell the difference 
> between an uncompressed flac and the original wav file, even though the 
> md5sum of both was identical.
> What I'm saying I guess, is that for the most part, it's all in people's 
> heads...
> Jamon
The audio field is full of "golden ears" types, who claim to hear 
differences that aren't physically possible.  They don't believe in A-B 
tests, but can apparently hear one setup in one location and compare it 
with another at a different location and time.  Then there's those who 
believe in Monster cables and other wallet lighteners.

However, there is an audible difference between MP3's and the original 
CD, that can be heard when using decent equipment in a quiet 
environment.  My point was considering the source (MP3) is already 
compromised from the original, how can top quality headphones improve 
things over good quality?  Both are more than capable of revealing the 
inadequacies of the MP3 file.  You can't get better sound than the 
source allows, no matter how good your equipment.

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