emacs question (can't find the .emacs file)

Slackrat tlug-MOdoAOVCFFcswetKESUqMA at public.gmane.org
Mon Nov 5 02:26:40 UTC 2007

* Alex Maynard <***@uoguelph.ca> a écrit profondement:
| To explain what I'm aiming at, for example, it is tedious
| to write
| \begin{equation}
| \end{equation}
| over and over.
| Currently I use the \newcommand enviremont in latex to shorten this to
| something like:
| \b{\eq}
| \e{\eq}
| (e.g. \newcommand{\b}{\begin}, \newcommand{\eq}{\equation} etc.
| The problem is that when I try to view in more of a What you see is
| what you get environment, such as preview-latex, my home-made
| short-cut commands won't display.  So that's why I am thinking of
| trying to build the short-cuts directly into latex.

On that I cannot help - sorry

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