getting data out: mysql -> csv

Emma Jane Hogbin emmajane-MHIYrZpDPrNWk0Htik3J/w at
Tue May 29 20:28:41 UTC 2007

Good afternoon,

I'm in the process of trying to yank content out of one CMS and into 
another CMS. The import function on the new CMS requires that the data 
be in a CSV. This should be 'easy'... except the data contains new lines 
and tabs (apparently) because each time I try to export the data, it 
doesn't play nicely as a CSV.

I've tried googling "mysql export csv" and found the following:,11324,13062#msg-13062
I don't have the select into outfile flag
The explanation of the sed cleanup is wrong, I know.

In the first option there is a follow-up question which is exactly the 
same as mine... "what if there are characters in the data which are the 
same characters that are to be used as delimiters?" I've asked the techs 
to enable the "select into outfile" option for me.. but in the mean 
time, my question remains: how do you get HTML fragments (especially 
when there are new lines, tabs and quotes as part of the data) out of a 
MySQL table and into a CSV?

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