500GB external HD - $69

Jamon Camisso jamon.camisso-H217xnMUJC0sA/PxXw9srA at public.gmane.org
Fri May 4 18:55:14 UTC 2007

Evan Leibovitch wrote:
>> Misprints and Errors on our Site 
> You know, it _is_ possible that it was legitimate, but was limited by
> either time or stock available at that price.
> So far as I can tell, at least three people on this list were able to
> place an order at the sale price, so we'll know soon enough if these
> orders are honoured or cancelled.
> - Evan

They do that, gotta figure give away 50 or 100 drives at a lost, and all 
the hype and people telling their friends will get some eyeballs that 
will bite and spend the full $250+

That and you get people coming back the site to check for other "deals".

Likely just a mistake at that price, but we all know how companies sell 
things like printers at a loss and recoup it in toner/cartridges etc. 
Heck, even a 4L bag of milk usually costs less than a store pays for it 
to get you to buy other stuff like chips and candybars...

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